The CEO of Mano Consulting, Mr. Marcus Nogueira was one of the speakers of the 4th meeting of the Governance group of SC – GARC, held in March / 2019 in the city of Jaraguá do Sul in Santa Catarina. The theme of the lecture given by Marcus Nogueira was CONTRACT...
O Diretor Presidente da Mano Consulting, Sr. Marcus Nogueira foi um dos palestrantes do 4º encontro do grupo de Governança de SC – GARC, realizado em março/2019 na cidade Jaraguá do Sul em Santa Catarina. O tema da palestra proferida pelo Marcus Nogueira foi...
A Mano Consulting foi uma das patrocinadoras do 39º CONBRAI realizado nos dias 15, 16 e 17 de setembro em Florianópolis (SC). O CONBRAI é o principal congresso do país focado em auditoria interna. O evento chegou à 39° edição e reuniu os maiores stakeholders do setor...
Preventively Audit Your Investments in Projects and Works and Reduce Compliance Risks by Law 12,846 / 13 Law No. 12,846 / 2013, also known as the Anti-Corruption Law, represents an important advance in providing objective liability, in the civil and administrative...
The company was hired to perform Project and Construction Management services for the new industrial unit and adaptation of the existing Distribution Center next to the new unit in São José – SC, following the best practices contained in the PMBOK (Project...