Standards Review and Drafting

Mano Consulting presents recognized competence and experience in norms and internal procedures implementation for large national and international organizations, including:
– Formulation, revision and updating of norms and procedures applicable to the main activities of management of enterprise implantation (projects and engineering services, building constructions, installations and assembly);
– Formulation, revision and updating of norms and procedures applicable to the main activities of management of contracts, including the phases of “procurement”, pre-qualification of suppliers and tendering process.
Our Methodology
The development of norms and procedures, as well as their respective complementary standards, must be supported by two main points that work as a benchmark throughout the process:
– Accurate understanding of the company in relation to:
– Variables that compose the reality of the organizational life;
– Dynamics of organizational behavior;
– The development process of the company and its interaction with the external environment;
– Current level of the technology applied.
– Synchronization with the main models and recommendations contained in documents nationally and internationally recognized, such as:
– ISO 9000;
– ISO 14000;
– SA 8000;
– Excellence Standards-PNQ;
– AA1000; – PMBok – PMI, among others.
This referential methodology ensures that the texts formulated will have greater adhesion to reality and to client expectations, as well as, enable the organization to follow the correct route to successful certification and attestation acquirement.
The formulated texts must meet the level of complexity compatible with the current practices, but must consider, whenever possible, aspects related to communication, work activities improvement, organizational learning, relationship with the external environment, the environment, social responsibility and other aspects related to modern tendencies in business performance.
The development of normative instructions has continuity in the performance of interviews, formulation of minutes and exhaustive discussion about the texts among those concerned.
– Procedures standardization in order to guarantee:
– Improvement in internal communications;
– Better understanding and efficiency of the processes;
– Reduction of ambiguities and assumptions;
– Reduction in discrepancies between the intentions and plans of the administration and the implemented processes;
– Minimization of work repeated due to unsatisfactory workmanship;
– Development of the organizational culture;
– Reinforcement of rational and established practices and values.
– Minimization of project costs due to better general orientation of the procedures and quality of performance;
– Reduction of risks in the hiring and management processes;
– Mapping and control of “mutual responsibilities” in the contractor versus hired relationship.

Street Pernambuco, 1045 | Funcionários | Zip code: 30130-151
Belo Horizonte-MG | Brazil
+55 31 3261-7273
+55 31 99603-7273

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