Project and Construction Management

Scope Activities
The methodology for management activity was developed to completely co-ordinate the formation of the enterprises. We attend to the Customer in all the phases of the enterprise execution, in order to guarantee quality, reduction of costs and start up period.
As such, 3 main phases are defined as follows:
Phase I – Planning;
Phase II – Control;
Phase III – Return.
A metodologia para a atividade de gerenciamento foi desenvolvida para coordenar integralmente a implementação dos empreendimentos, assistindo ao Cliente em todas as fases de sua execução, a fim de garantir a qualidade, reduzindo custos e prazos. Para tanto, são consideradas 3 fases principais, assim definidas:
Fase I – Planejamento;
Fase II – Controle;
Fase III – Retorno.
- Economic
- Our methodology of licitations and negotiations with project designers, suppliers and construction companies are guaranteed to bring savings greater than our fees;
- Our fees are guaranteed to be greatly inferior to the cost of an established management structure coordinated by the client.
- Qualitative
- The management company (Mano) will utilize an expert team, accustomed to managing enterprises of various modes and scope;
- Being an expert in this area, the management company (Mano) will bring greater mobility and agility to the tasks to be executed.
- Your team will be composed of specialists for each stage of the enterprise implantation, such as analysis of projects, technical proposals, commercial proposals, building construction inspection, monitoring and checking of all supplies, fiscal, contributory and accounts analysis;
- The presence of an independent management company (Mano) will bring to the client the tranquility of a rigorous analysis of the projects and building construction execution and will avoid the discomfort and the absence of transparency of having a project designer managing their own project.
- Dealing with public organs and other entities
- The management company (Mano) will put itself in charge of all the formalities necessary for dealing with public organs and other entities, such as: city hall, utilities (Energy, Water, Phone), fire brigade, ministries, environment, CREA (association of engineers and architects), etc.
- – Written Reports and Records
- Monthly or fortnightly, the client will receive a written report illustrated with photographs, presenting:
- Information about incurred and anticipated costs;
- Anticipated, realized and to be realized deadlines;
- Enterprise occurrences in the period;
- Individualized control of all contracts related to the enterprise.
- Deadline guarantees
- After defining the plan jointly with the client, the management company (Mano) will guarantee the anticipated deadline accomplishment for each enterprise stage.
- Time Maximization
- The client will have better time maximization because Mano Consulting will deal and liaise with all suppliers, designers, builders, public organs and other entities.

Street Pernambuco, 1045 | Funcionários | Zip code: 30130-151
Belo Horizonte-MG | Brazil
+55 31 3261-7273
+55 31 99603-7273

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