Enterprise Audit

Scope os Activities
Our methodology was developed with the intention of adding value through suggestions, alternatives and ideas. Our objective is to improve technical, qualitative, economic and financial performance results.
Our Audit aims to certify that the Client’s internal principles and procedures and the current law are being completely adhered to. It aims also to certify that the liberated resources were or are being correctly applied in the enterprise, to meet the costs, quality, amount and stated periods specified in the contract. Besides this, all the processes of viability, acts of contract, management of contracts and eventual contractual additions are analyzed.
Audit Types
- Preventive Audit
- Performed during the enterprise execution
- Detective Audit
- Characterized by being a portrait of the enterprise at specified moments
- Concluding Audit
- Performed after the enterprise has been set up
Main Audting Activities
- Preliminary studies;
- Contracting process;
- Closed contracts;
- Contract management;
- Labour and tributary legislation adherence;
- Application of liberated financial resources;
- Qualitative adequacy of the contracted items (applied x specified);
- Quantitative adequacy of the contracted items (executed x invoiced);
- Additive and contractual additions;
- Attending to environmental legislation.
Examples of Irregularity Usually Detected
- Budget estimates at variance with those contracted – larger or smaller;
- Incorrect company selection;
- Contracting of companies without enough supply qualifications;
- Biased company selection in the tendering process;
- Incorrect under or over estimate of contracted items and at odds with quantity necessary;
- Payment of a higher price for supplies than the price practiced by the market;
- Non-application of procedures and internal methodologies;
- Inappropriate adherence to the current law: contributions, financial and labor;
- Handling of available financial allocations between different projects;
- Discrepancies between payment and quantity of supplies/ services received;
- Supply of inferior materials to the ones specified in the contract;
- Absence of necessary certification;
- Absence of tests and calibration, or calibrating with defective equipment;
- Accepting additional charges that have already been paid according to the terms of the original contract;
- Non-application of penalties specified in the contract;
- Non-rebate of debits in the event of target reductions or loss of profits;
- Payments made before the contractual deadlines;
- Payments made against a receipt and after an invoice is issued with a different date;
- Collection of contracted and sub-contracted labor taxes made outside legislation requirements;
- Non-updated certificates;
- Insurance policies without the required cover;
- Incorrect contributory collections (larger or smaller);
- Incorrect recovery of ICMS credits;
- Double taxation in services and supplies;
- Incorrect fulfillment of invoices.
We have found divergences in various cases of differing complexity, relevance and importance and we have identified opportunities in the great majority of the audited items, resulting in
- Significant performance improvements;
- Reduction of risk;
- Financial economizing;
- Budget estimates at variance with those contracted – larger or smaller;
- Incorrect company selection.

Street Pernambuco, 1045 | Funcionários | Zip code: 30130-151
Belo Horizonte-MG | Brazil
+55 31 3261-7273
+55 31 99603-7273

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